
Create Separate Hatches Fast and Easy!

Create Separate Hatches Fast and Easy!

Separate hatches in AutoCAD? Everyone knows that! This week we had in our office some engineering students from Architectural University who…

Auto-Rotate Multiple text Objects!

Rotate manually? We have multiple text objects aligned to a specific object. However, when we go to layout rotate the…

Auto-Number Multiple Text Objects!

It is absolutely normal for us to add numbers in AutoCAD. Sometimes there are hundreds of numbers and if we…

OVERKILL! Or how to erase duplicate objects Easy and Fast!

Duplicate objects!? A lot of times we have some lines, polylines, arcs, etc. placed on top of each other. This…

How to create Longitudinal Profile from Feature Line? Easy!

The Task! So what do we want to do? We want to create a longitudinal profile (Profile view and profile) from…

Fake Dimensions in AutoCAD? (Correct all Dimension text at Once!)

Fake Dimensions in AutoCAD? Where? A lot of times we have received drawings from colleagues that have some "fake" Dimensions.…

From CAPITAL to small Letters with 2 clicks in AutoCAD!

CAPITAL letter text? Today we are going to look at one really simple task - writing text in capital letters.…