autocad tips and tricks

15 Shortcut Keys of AutoCAD, that will Accelerate your work!

15 Shortcut Keys of AutoCAD, that will Accelerate your work!

Shortcut Keys for AutoCAD Working with shortcut keys is a certain way to accelerate our productivity. There are some widely…

Coordinates of a Polyline in AutoCAD? But How and Why?

Coordinates of polyline. Coordinates are one of the most important properties in our drawings. Unless you are an architect, architects…

Edit Vertexes and use Linetype Polylines!

This will be a very short post about some really, really basic stuff. More especially how to edit our Polylines.…

How to Copy Multiple Text Objects from AutoCAD to Excel

The task? Have you ever tried to copy AutoCAD text objects to Microsoft Excel? Usually, when you copy multiple text…

Create Separate Hatches Fast and Easy!

Separate hatches in AutoCAD? Everyone knows that! This week we had in our office some engineering students from Architectural University who…

Auto-Rotate Multiple text Objects!

Rotate manually? We have multiple text objects aligned to a specific object. However, when we go to layout rotate the…

Auto-Number Multiple Text Objects!

It is absolutely normal for us to add numbers in AutoCAD. Sometimes there are hundreds of numbers and if we…