Back in the old days, when we were using AutoCAD Civil 3D 2011 it was really easy to import Google image into the drawing. However, today it is not that simple. In order to use georeferenced images, we need to log in A360 with our Autodesk Account, and then we are presented with that function.
Wouldn’t it be nice if there is a way to Import an image from Google or Bing directly to our Drawing with just one simple command without any complications?
Yes, it will be and VovKa@ from did just that! Not only we can import Aerial maps from Google, but we can also import different maps (raster and vector) from many more sources like Bing,, OpenStreetMap, Yandex, and many more. We can also Import/Export geometry to and from KML files and Import geometry from SHP. We are not over yet, this app gives you the opportunity to import those maps in different Coordinates, not only Lat/Log. There are lots of different Coordinate Systems for specific countries, like US NAD83.
Import Online Maps
We will go through the whole process of using the app in step by step tutorial:
- First, we need to download the app. You can download it directly from here, or check for the latest version in the forum where the Creator VovKa@ originally shares the program.
- Secondly, in a drawing, we type in APPLOAD, and in Load the file we just download.
- After Loading the program we can Start it by typing on Command Line IRT.
- A window will pop up called Import on-line maps this is where all the Magic happens. The Window is divided into four sections: Coordinates, Search, Map and Cache.
- Coordinates Here we choose where do we want our images to be placed.
We have two drop-down menus Territory and Coordinate system. First, we choose the Territory. For example the United States of America and under Coordinate System we choose the needed coordinate system, for example, NAD83 Arizona Central.
Note: If you can’t find the desired coordinate system, you can contact VovKa@ and ask him to add it. - Search We can use the Search option to find the exact location we need. We can skip this step if our drawing is already in the right location and we just need to import maps into it.
In this example, we will choose to use Google Search Engine and search for the Police Station in Paradise Valley Arizona (6433 Lincoln Drive, Paradise Valley, Arizona 85253, USA) - Map
Under Map Type, we can choose what kind of map do we want to import. As previously said there are lots and lots of different maps that we can choose from.
The drop-down menu right of zoom controls the quality of the image (zoom) the bigger the number, the more zoomed-in we are!
Under Map, we can also Check one of the options for Create on individual layer, send to back and Group. They are pretty much self-explanatory, I would recommend checking them all. - Cache Here we can manage the Cache by choosing the source – Internet, Cache or both and choose a folder for storing the files. We can check Store in drawing’s folder option or we can choose a different one.
- Coordinates Here we choose where do we want our images to be placed.
- Click OK, the window will hide away and the drawing screen will appear divided into red rectangles. Those are the places of the different images. By using the mouse we just select the desired ones and they will be automatically imported into the drawing!
Note: If you move or scroll the red rectangles will disappear.
Thanks again to VovKa@ for sharing this great tool with us! If you feel that it will bring value to your drafting you can always show your appreciation by donating to him. You can find his contact information by starting the program in AutoCAD and directly click on Zoom to (Without entering anything into the address tab).
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