How to Turn off Annotation scale Preview

Annotation Scale Preview in AutoCAD – what is the problem?

Here we are going to talk about Annotative objects, they are great! If you are wondering how to turn off the Annotation preview of an object, you would probably know what an Annotative object is and what does annotative mean. However, I will paste here a small definition from Autodesk:
Annotative objects and styles are used to control the size and scale at which annotation objects are displayed in model space or a layout.
When using annotative objects, the process of scaling annotation objects is automated for you. Annotative objects are defined by specifying a paper height or scale, and then the annotation scales for which they should be displayed for. An annotative object can have multiple scales assigned to it, each scale representation can be moved independently.

There can be one little “issue” with Annotations. When you select an Annotative object which has some scales set up, AutoCAD will display all scales at once. Often times this can be a bit too distracting like in the example:
big scale.png

How to stop Annotative preview Scaling?

The AutoCAD variable SELECTIONANNODISPLAY controls this behavior. To turn the preview off follow the steps below:

  1. On the AutoCAD command line, enter selectionannodisplay
  2. When prompted to enter a new value, enter 0

This is all! To re-enable the preview, set the value of the variable to 1

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