
Learn How to properly Send AutoCAD Drawings!

Learn How to properly Send AutoCAD Drawings!

How many times have you forgotten to send a referenced drawing, .ctb file, font, or image? I personally a lot,…

What is the better choice Xref or Block in AutoCAD?

Block or Xref what should we use? Blocks and Xrefs they look so similar if a person is new to…

Open or Edit In-place? How to edit our Referenced drawing?

Our journey across Xref possibilities continues with one little task many of drafters would neglect and won't spend time to…

Additional EXTRAS with Xrefs! What options do we have?

We already know why Xrefs are so useful but let's take a deeper look at what additional Extras they offer. Layers…

Xref – choosing our Path Type

We discussed What is Xref? Why should we use it? And learned First step of How to attach Xref? It is time to continue…