
Additional EXTRAS with Xrefs! What options do we have?

Additional EXTRAS with Xrefs! What options do we have?

We already know why Xrefs are so useful but let's take a deeper look at what additional Extras they offer. Layers…

Xref – choosing our Path Type

We discussed What is Xref? Why should we use it? And learned First step of How to attach Xref? It is time to continue…

Xref Attach or Overly? What is the difference?

As we continue to tear apart those Xrefs we come across Reference type. As promised in  Using Xref first step! How…

Enter name of drawing? Uninstall AutoCAD? (Easy Solution!)

Enter name of drawing to open? Have you ever faced this issue - when you hit Open AutoCAD shows you…

How to Reduce Size and Increase Performance of AutoCAD Drawings

I am sure you have had this problem with drawing files, they become slower and slower until it is almost…