Can’t Select More Than One Object (AutoCAD gone wild!)

Select objects is not working properly

Objects select is not working properly I bet everyone has had this problem. You are trying to select objects one by one, but oops, there is something wrong with selecting. Only the last object is selected. The other problem you might have is trying to deselect an object using shift + left click, but AutoCAD doesn’t … Read more

Total Length, Area and Volume of Multiple Objects. EASY!

Get total length, area and volume of multiple objects!

Adding numbers I am sure everyone had this experience – Adding several numbers to get length summery of multiple polylines, or polyline and multiple lines, etc. Well, this is a really annoying task but the worst part is that it consumes lots of our precious time. There is good news! AutoCAD community if full of … Read more

15 Shortcut Keys of AutoCAD, that will Accelerate your work!

15 shortcut keys for AutoCAD

Shortcut Keys for AutoCAD Working with shortcut keys is a certain way to accelerate our productivity. There are some widely known Shortcut keys like CTRL + C to copy, CTRL + V to paste, CTRL + Z for Redo and CTRL + S for save. Yet every software has some unique shortcuts that can also be … Read more

Coordinates of a Polyline in AutoCAD? But How and Why?

Export coordinates of polyline

Coordinates of polyline. Coordinates are one of the most important properties in our drawings. Unless you are an architect, architects don’t like coordinates, they usually work in orthogonal projection somewhere in drawing. However even if you are working in local system you can find this tip useful. As we previously dissguesed, polylines are very powerful … Read more

Edit Vertexes and use Linetype Polylines!

Edit vertexes and use Linetype

This will be a very short post about some really, really basic stuff. More especially how to edit our Polylines. Polyline A polyline is a connection of line segments created as a single object. You can create straight line segments, arc segments, or a combination of the two. Why would we use polylines? As one of … Read more

How to Copy Multiple Text Objects from AutoCAD to Excel

Copy AutoCAD Text to Excel! Piece of Cake!

The task? Have you ever tried to copy AutoCAD text objects to Microsoft Excel? Usually, when you copy multiple text objects from AutoCAD and paste those to Excel they look like a picture. If you double click on that picture, AutoCAD automatically launches and opens a fragment of our drawing which we have copied as … Read more

Create Separate Hatches Fast and Easy!

Create separate hatches easy and fast

Separate hatches in AutoCAD? Everyone knows that! This week we had in our office some engineering students from Architectural University who wanted to see how work look in the real world. Their task was to make some typical cross sections of roads. Usually, we place different hatches for different layers, so they had to do the … Read more
