You searched for: dimension

How to Add a Break-Line in Dimensions? AutoCAD Tips!

How to Add a Break-Line in Dimensions? AutoCAD Tips!

Oftentimes, when drawing Details or Sections we need to show only a part of the whole drawing. To illustrate the…

How to Create Angular Dimension larger than 180 Degrees in AutoCAD?

How to create an Angular Dimension for larger than 180-degree angles? This is the topic of today's article and as…

How to use AutoCAD Dimension Grips (Reset Text Position)

Time and time again, we see that Dimensions are one of the most important objects in AutoCAD. Previously we have…

How to Split Dimensions in AutoCAD? (No Lisp Required!)

One of the most important parts of any drawing are Dimensions, however, some times we could create a mistake or…

Alternate Dimension Units in AutoCAD! (Show Another Units on Dimensions)

Often times we need to show two sets of units on our Dimensions, especially when working with Imperial units. For…

Fake Dimensions in AutoCAD? (Correct all Dimension text at Once!)

Fake Dimensions in AutoCAD? Where? A lot of times we have received drawings from colleagues that have some "fake" Dimensions.…

Mastering AutoCAD: How to Add Symbols in MText Objects

Enhance your AutoCAD drawings by adding symbols to MText objects. Streamline communication and improve clarity with our step-by-step guide!